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Tresniowski, Alex, Steve Helling, and Michelle Tauber. “Shocking Verdict!.” People 77.2 (2011): 84-88. MasterFILE Elite. Web. 31 Jan. 2016.


This article speculates on the doubt and the insufficient evidence that arose in the Casey Anthony trial and the outcome that it produced. More than 2 ½ years after they found the body of two year old Caylee Anthony half- buried in the swampy woods near her grandparents' home in Orlando and another 6 weeks of trial, Casey Anthony was found not guilty of the murder of her two year old daughter, Caylee Anthony. She was only charged with four counts of providing false information to law enforcement.


Richard Hornsby said that “The prosecution never explained when or where Caylee died. Emotions can’t carry a weak case; we need hard facts”. It’s true that because there was no DNA evidence or eye-witnesses, they couldn’t provide the hard facts necessary for a guilty verdict. Because there wasn’t solid evidence, it allowed the defense to poke holes in the prosecutor’s theories and come up with an alternate theory. The defense team stated that “Caylee drowned accidentally in her grandparent’s swimming pool and that Casey’s bizarre behavior afterward—she went dancing and shopping with friends and even got a tattoo that said “Good Life” in Italian on her left shoulder blade—could be explained by her troubled family life”. But what mother goes partying while her child is missing and doesn’t report her supposed “kidnapping by a babysitter” for 30 days? Casey doesn’t even call the police to report her child missing after those 30 days, it was Casey’s mother that did.


This article came from People magazine which is a very well-known magazine. I found this article through Galileo, which is recourse recommended by hall county schools to easily find credible sources for research. The credibility of this source will allow me to use these finding in my final presentation for my capstone project. It gives me the information needed to provide why she was found not guilty. It will also set me up for the questions I will later present in the debate followed after I have presented the evidence of the case in my presentation.  This article has turned into an essential for my project.


Tauber, Michelle, and Steve Helling. "Inside The SHOCKING TESTIMONY." People 75.23 (2011): 90-96. MasterFILE Elite. Web. 11 Mar. 2016.


“Inside the Shocking Testimony” by Michelle Tauber and Steve Harling, give an inside look into the Casey Anthony murder trial, including testimonies and evidence found and presented. During this case, a bunch of circumstantial evidence was produced. Why did Casey Anthony wait 30 days to report her child missing and partied during those times? Why couldn’t Casey keep one story of what happened instead of changing hers? These are unanswered questions. Casey's attorney Baez admitted her long-held defense that a mysterious babysitter named Zenaida Gonzalez had kidnapped Caylee was a fabrication. Only to replace this story with a new one stating that Caylee drowned in the pool. Baez argued that it was all covered up by Casey's dad, George who furiously denied the allegations. This article informs that “Asked by the prosecution on May 24 if he was present when Caylee died, George replied through tears, "When I heard that today, it hurt really bad, 'cause if I would have known something happened to her, we wouldn't be here today." Looking pointedly at his impassive daughter, who refused to meet his gaze, George added, "I would have done anything to save Caylee's life".”This seems like the story was made up as well, right? It has to be when her dad denied this story. Also, when Caylee’s body was found there was duct tape around the skull. There is no reason to put duct tape around the mouth of an already drowned and dead toddler. It’s not like caylee can scream in death; nothing adds up.  In a way her defense was built on lies, according to her attorney Baez, because she had learned to keep secrets after being sexually abused by her father as a child who was, a former police officer he also, vigorously denies that claim as well. It seemed like none of her stories can be sufficiently backed up.


All this information comes for a very well known reliable source, People Magazine. Another reason this article is reliable is because it was actually published before a verdict was reached and released to the public. So in a way, the writers have a less biased opinion and view on the trial because they didn’t know which verdict the juries would side with when they wrote the article. This article has been a great addition to all of my research because it has given me an inside look into the trial itself and has helped me get a better understanding of what had happened in that courtroom. I can now add what I have read into a couple different sections of my project like the evidence and the lies.


Rosen, Meghan. “WANTED: Crime-Solving Bacteria And Body Odor.” Science News 188.5 (2015): 22-27. Health Source – Consumer Edition. Web. 4 Oct. 2015.


This article gave a good insight into the upcoming developments in the field of forensic science, which is good for my research. With this new knowledge of body odor bacteria detection on evidence,  I can really be on top of what’s going on in the every day world of forensic science instead of looking like an uneducated person trying to sound smart. This source was extremely helpful in this goal to acquire as much information to my potential subject of study as possible. I can use this source in any essays talking about forensic biology or any upcoming assignments that I could use the information I learned and apply it.

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