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  • What I need to know: Was Casey Anthony Wrongly Acquitted? That question seemed to be on the minds of many people after the release of the verdict of not guilty of murdering her two year old daughter, Caylee Anthony. It sent a shock wave throughout the country and many started to question our justice system. How could someone who had such convicting evidence be let off with only 4 counts of providing false information to law enforcement. I can’t grasp my mind around it. That’s why I picked this topic for my presentation. I needed to find out all that I could about this controversial verdict so I could fully come up with my own opinion and back it up.

  • What I know or Assume: From the very beginning, before I started my research I thought she was guilty. Then when I started to learn and accumulate the information and hard facts my opinion strengthened. I have no doubt in my head that she murdered her daughter and got away with it. The evidence against her and all the lies she told just scream “I’m Guilty”. On June 15, 2008 Cindy Anthony, Casey’s mother, calls the police to arrest her daughter on suspicion of stealing money and the family car. During the call, she tells the police that her granddaughter may be missing. "I found my daughter's car today, and it smelled like there's been a dead body in the damn car." When Casey was questioned by the police, she admits that she hasn’t seen Caylee for more than 30 days. During those 30 days Casey was partying and going on with her life like nothing was wrong. Later Forensic evidence proved the air from the trunk of Anthony's car once held a decomposing body. Along with traces of chloroform and a hair that was tested positive for coming off a decomposing body. There was no DNA evidence on the hair. On December 11, 2008 Caylee Anthony’s remains were found near the grandparents’ home by a utility worker. There was duck-tape found around the skull. Unfortunately there was no trace of fingerprints on the duck-tape or any DNA evidence that could be found that could indicate to a specific culprit. Some other incriminating evidence was the fact that Casey Anthony lied to the police. Her first story was that a mysterious babysitter named Zenaida Gonzalez had kidnapped Caylee, but her attorney Baez, admitted the story was fabricated. He replaced this story with a new one stating that Caylee drowned in the pool. Baez argued that it was all covered up by Casey's dad, George who furiously denied the allegations. All this evidence, yet somehow she walked away with barely a scratch on her.

  • The Search: My biggest search engine for my information was actually Galileo. It gave me so many different articles chock-full with information. I also read an article from CNN that gave me a full timeline of the events of this case. Another way I got my information was through YouTube. I watched two, 45 minute documentaries of the case. One in which, gave me an inside look into the forensics and evidence behind the case. The chief medical examiner for the defense stated that she thought Casey walked free due to the lack of solid physical evidence against Casey. It was all circumstantial which means they couldn’t directly tie anything to her. I interviewed my mother about the trial and asked her what she thought of the case in which she replied back with “Casey Anthony is a psychopath and when I found out the jury gave the verdict not guilty I was dumbfounded”.

  • What I discovered: I discovered that my hunch was right. The jury system got it wrong. Casey Anthony had to have murdered her two year old daughter Caylee Anthony. All the evidence pointed to her. Our court system needs to give more recognition to circumstantial evidence. Just because there no solid DNA evidence pointed to a person, doesn’t mean that all the rest of the evidence is invalid. Casey Anthony was wrongly acquitted and I hope I proved that.










Was Casey Anthony Wrongly Acquitted?

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